General information
A compendium of random but nonetheless useful information to know. Please email the Visit Kalkan Online team if you think there is anything else that should be included.
Useful phone numbers
To call the police, jandarma, fire brigade, ambulance or coast guard just dial 112.​
Other useful numbers:
Dalaman airport lost and found 0090 252 792 51 80 / 792 51 84
British Consulate in Fethiye 0090 252 614 63 02
Other useful information
Electricity Supply
Kalkan can suffer from frequent power cuts especially when there is bad weather or if the grid is being upgraded. These are usually very short but can also turn out to quite prolonged. Very often, outages might be quite localised so if the power is out where you're staying, neighbouring streets and areas might still be with power.
The voltage in Turkey is 220v, which is the same as in most European countries. If you forget to bring adaptors for your appliances they are readily and cheaply available in Kalkan.
Water Supply
Kalkan can also suffer from frequent cuts to the water supply especially whilst maintenance work is taking place. Again, these can be short-lived but can be prolonged too. Many hotels, villas and apartment complexes have reserve tanks but if the mains is off, pressure from these will be reduced. The pumps used are powered by electricity so if both electricity and water are off, things can get whiffy!
It is recommended that you don't drink water from the tap and buy bottled water from local supermarkets.
Like any Mediterranean resort, Kalkan does have mosquitos. At certain times of the year, the streets are sprayed by the council to kill them. The usual advice remains: keep windows and doors closed and when you are out and about in the evening especially, use appropriate sprays, Many of our readers swear by Avon's Soft and Smooth product but OFF and Sinkov are widely available locally. You can also try G&T but that may be just an old wives tale.
Although Turkey is a modern secular country, we recommend that you dress modestly if visiting a mosque or a religious shrine and it's courteous not to walk around town in just bathing suits. Also do not attempt to take photographs near any official sites or buildings especially military sites and airports.
It is also against the law to deface the Turkish flag, currency or insult the Turkish nation.
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